Floor Finishers

Your Wood Finishing Cheat Sheet

The process of sanding and restoring your wooden floor is absolutely incredible. Once this process has been completed, another phase of the restoration comes into play. This process finishes the floor and leaves it equipped to tackle the daily wear and tear that it will inevitably encounter.

The wood finishing process is fascinating. It allows the opportunity to create a unique and bespoke appearance. Some may not know this; but wood finishes can be tailored to compliment your existing décor. There are an incredible range of wood finish products available. Our expertise in this field has also allowed us to offer fully bespoke finishes that match any individual requirements.

Wood Finishing LeedsPrior to deciding any particular product finish, it is important first that the usage of the space is considered. Varying finishes offer different levels of durability and sheen. Different products are better-matched to higher foot traffic areas and others are more suitable for a particular appearance.

It is important to remember, however, that there will be a finish that suitably reflects the appearance you are looking to achieve and will offer a durable finish.

Another element to consider is that the process of sanding wooden floors prior to the application of any finish is pivotal. Any previous coatings need to be fully removed and the surface prepared appropriately. In this instance, the floor sanding process is the preparation to the finish so this is a prime example of where preparation is key. The floor needs to be sanded seamlessly. Therefore, when the finish is applied, it continues to offer a flawless appearance.

When applying any finish product, it is important to always work with the grain of the wood. This avoids streaks and will only work to enhance the beautiful grain of your wood boards.

This offers an insight into the world of wood finish products. It is our job to ensure that our clients are well-informed to make an educated decision. We offer full support throughout this process to ensure the smooth running of the project.

Call today on 0845 4599941 to find out more information

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