Wood Floor Restoration

Damaged Wood Floors

Damaged wood floors can be the cause of a lot of stress if you are unsure of how to deal with it. It is probably best by starting with the fact that you are not alone. We are here to help. We specialise in the repair and restoration of beautiful wooden flooring.

Damage to wooden flooring can be caused by many different elements. There are more likely causes and the following information goes a little more into these.

Damaged Wood Floors – Possible Causes:

The first cause may be the incorrect preparation of the sub-floor. The sub-floor is the flooring under which your wooden boards will be fixed. It is important that this is level, flat and dry. Any unevenness will mean that your wooden floor is likely to move, crack or be noisy. Any moisture left can penetrate through the wood and start to warp, distort and lift it. Careful consideration into preparation of your sub-floor will pay dividends to the longevity of your wood floor.

Wood Floor Refinishing Leeds

Damage can also be caused by incorrect installation. When a wooden floor is laid, it should always be left with an expansion gap around the perimeter of the space. As a natural product, wood will expand and contract with cooler and warmer temperatures. If no gap is left, then the boards will have no natural movement. As a result of this, they can raise, warp and even break. This may sound like a simple solution. However, it is a really important one to check so that you avoid being faced with this issue in the future.

Damaged caused by scratches or dents will likely happen from everyday use. Even the more careful person will not likely be able to avoid simple scratches. Scratches can happen by dirt and grit scraping against the surface of the boards on shoes or slippers. It essentially acts like sandpaper over the surface. Scratches and dents can also be caused by furniture moving. This can simply be avoided by lifting furniture (not dragging) and placing furniture pads on all items in the room.

Finally comes damaged caused by water. Water damage can bend and distort wooden boards. Furthermore, they can become discoloured if left to soak in. The severity of this depends on the amount of water left on the surface and for what length of time.

We are always on hand to help offer information and advice. When completing the quotation, we will always confirm if we feel there may be any restrictions. Our team have built a reputation based around trust and delivering brilliant results. Get in touch by calling 0845 4599941. We can help with your damaged wood floors.

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